
Complex Variables

Original price was: ₹400.00.Current price is: ₹250.00.

A Complex Variables course tailored for the Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering (GATE) focuses on providing a deep understanding of complex numbers and functions with applications in engineering. The course typically begins with an exploration of complex arithmetic, including operations, polar form, and the representation of complex numbers on the complex plane. Complex functions, such as polynomials, exponentials, and trigonometric functions, are introduced, emphasizing their properties and behavior in the complex plane.


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Students delve into complex analysis topics, including differentiation and integration of complex functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations, contour integration, and the Cauchy Integral Formula. Residue theorem and applications to engineering problems, such as electrical circuit analysis and fluid dynamics, may also be covered. The course often integrates computational methods using tools like MATLAB or Python to reinforce theoretical concepts and enhance problem-solving skills. The goal is to equip engineering graduate students with a strong foundation in complex variables, preparing them for the analytical challenges in advanced engineering coursework and applications within the GATE examination.


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